Saturday, September 10, 2011

Wait what was the topic again ?

Ahh....yes so I finally decide to come back on blogger (yesh ! for the 4th time to be exact !!). I don't know why I'm doing this or will I be doing this altogether :P But right now I'd like to focus on positive. I guess it'll help me in getting back on the writing wagon, and God knows I really need to get back to writing if I'm to save this last bit of insanity I have left. Yeah I feel Im losing that craziness I had 2-3 years back. Now I always think before making decisions xD.

Anyhoo, the new college is GREAT. It has a bigger campus, better cafeteria and ofcourse more girls :P There's this girl, Tanya - she's my lab partner and we really hit it off. She has good sense in general, doesn't talk non-sense like most big-town chicks. Anyway I really wanna ask her hout but there's soething holding me back. I won't discuss it now, thats for a whole another post (if ever !).

Well I gotta start packin up soon, I'm leaving for college in about 2 hrs. I don't really feel bad for leaving home but I miss mom's food while I'm away. But thats about it. I like the independence thats been showered upon me. I go stay at my friends' places at weekends and we party the night out ! I had never been to parties before, me coming from a REALLY small town where going on a party meant going out for dinner and being home before 9 :/ Yeas Im really glad to get outta Faridkot, I've met so many cool people in my college who are totally different from those narrow-minded hypocrites I came across in Fdk.

Well I can certainly see I've gone astray from the topic. Wait what was the topic again ? Hmm....I guess I haven't lost all my insanity after all xD

Till then, take care and DABAA WABAAA !!!!!!!!!

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